Vanishing View
A Public Art Piece by Alison Sky that represents the vanishing views of our Everglades.
This piece celebrates the sky, the Everglades, and the aquifer that sustains life.
“The work is not complete until it is inhabited and enjoyed and experienced and explored by people.”
Alison Sky
Be sure to visit the Vanishing View Art
piece in the Botanical Gardens at the
Miramar Cultural Center Artspark.
Download these sketches and be sure to share with us how you used them.
Were you inspired to color, paint, write a poem or write a story?
Send your art to
All submissions will be featured on our Social Media and Website!
Water, Glass, Clouds, Light and Shadows come together in the Vanishing View Art Piece!
Can you add the Birds to this picture?
The systems of the Everglades replenish the aquifer, so we can continue to have water.
Water is Life!
To learn more about the Everglades, the wildlife and South Florida’s aquifer please look at
Audubon Florida’s Our Everglades, Our Water Fact Sheet.